Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1984 and 1983 Best Picture winners are...

1984- Terms of Endearment

I was looking on-line to see when the Academy Awards aired and it was on April 9, 1984. That is exactly a year before my birthday. Speaking of my birthday it is in 20 days. Ask anyone in my family and they will tell you that I just love my birthday and also love counting down to my birthday. I will start counting down at 6 months. I think my mom probably gets tired of hearing me count down but I just love my birthday. It's the only day of the year that it's all about me. Anyway on to the movie.

The movie is about the relationship between mother and daughter. It also shows that different people show love in different ways.

I really liked this movie and I would watch it again. I would also recommend this movie to anyone who is interested in watching. It is a tearjerker so if you don't like crying in movies this is not for you. I was sobbing like a baby in this movie.

When I found out that Jack Nicholson was in this movie, I didn't know what to think. In most of his movies he plays an awful person. I was pleasantly surprised that he actually plays a decent human being in this movie. This is the first time watching a movie of his that I didn't automatically think of the Joker. Usually when that happens the movie is ruined for me cause all I can see is that creepy Joker makeup. I was talking to my mom about how I liked him in this movie and she told me that maybe this movie has helped changed my mind of him. I told her that maybe it has but it probably won't last long cause the next movie that I will watch him in is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. So I might be freaked out by him again after I watch that movie.

In this movie there is a scene that after watching it I wish I could remove it from my memory or maybe pull my eyes out. In this scene Jack's character comes to the door wearing a bathrobe that barely covers his man parts. So it is a REALLY short bathrobe. No one needs to see that especially on him. There is another scene where he is not wearing a shirt. Believe me you don't want to see him shirtless. Here is a little advice, if you have a hairy chest and a beer belly going shirtless is NOT an option. Do the world a favor and keep your shirts and the rest of your clothes on.

1983- Gandhi

This movie is about Mahatma Gandhi who first started out as a lawyer but would become the leader of Indian revolts against the British rule through his non-violent protests.

This movie was really good and I would watch this movie again. If you are interested in watching this movie I think you should. I know a little about Gandhi but this movie taught me so much more about him.

One thing that I thought was interesting was that the film doesn't show or even talk about his younger years. It starts off with the assassination of Gandhi and then it goes back 55 years to 1893 when he was a lawyer in South Africa. For me I would have liked to have learned more about his younger years. You usually just hear about the things that Gandhi did. I'm not saying that what he did wasn't important but that's all you hear. It would have been interesting to see what he was like as a child, teenager and young man before he became a lawyer. Oh well. Also I thought Ben Kingsley who played Gandhi did a fantastic job playing him. I truly felt like I was watching the real Gandhi. No wonder he won the Best Actor award for this movie. The makeup people for the movie did a very good job of making Ben look like Gandhi.

For fun here is some fun trivia about the movie:

*Anthony Hopkins was considered to play Gandhi. I am so glad that he didn't get the role. I could not watch Hannibal Lecter play Gandhi.
*Many of the natives thought Ben Kingsley looked so much like Gandhi that they thought he was Gandhi's ghost.
*Ben Kingsley's paternal family was from the Indian state of Gujarat which is where Gandhi also was from.
* Dustin Hoffman expressed that he was interested in playing the title role but was offered to be in the movie Tootsie. Tootsie was nominated for Best Picture the same year as Gandhi and Dustin Hoffman was also nominated for Best Actor for his role in Tootsie but sadly he lost the award to Ben and Tootsie lost the award to Gandhi. Interesting how things go.

I was watching The Big Bang Theory a while ago and Raj made a comment about Gandhi and I thought I would share it with you guy. Before I share the quote let me explain the scene real quick, Raj and the other guys are playing some video game and they are really getting into the game:
"When Gandhi advocated his philosophy of non-violence, I bet he didn't know how much fun it was killing stuff."

Coming Attractions: 1982 and 1981 Best Pictures

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