1982- Chariots of Fire
I have mixed feelings about this movie. It was a good movie but there were times that it got a little boring. I think that the reason it was kind of boring to me was that I couldn't get interested in two people running. To be honest I really didn't know that much about this movie. I have heard of the title and have seen the clip of the group of guys running on the beach. I had no idea that this movie was based on real people who went to the 1924 Olympics. I might watch this movie again and even though I couldn't really get into the movie I would still recommend it to any one who wants to watch it.
1981- Ordinary People
I thought this movie was a really good movie. It's a sad movie but it's not a cry your eyes out sad type but more of a you feel bad for the family kind of said. It's about a family that pretty much falls apart after the accidental death of the older son. So here is a random fact about this movie, it was the directorial debut of Robert Redford. I believe this is the first movie I have seen where Donald Sutherland is much younger and doesn't have white hair. Donald plays the father to the son that died. With him being younger it is easier for me to see the resemblance to his son Kiefer Sutherland. Mary Tyler Moore is also in this movie and she plays a character that is so out of her usual characters that she plays. She plays the mother to the son that died. She doesn't really show affection to her other son. She is more worried at keeping up appearances than what's going on with her son and her marriage. Even though it is a sad movie I would still recommend the movie and I might watch it again.
1980- Kramer vs. Kramer
I thought this movie was a sweet and a little bit sad. I still really liked it though. It's about a man who becomes a single parent when his wife leaves him and their 6 year old son. It's sweet to see the relationship grow between father and son. It's sad to watch him work so hard for him and his son when one day his ex wife comes back and wants custody of their son. Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep do a great job in this movie. I would watch this movie again and I would recommend it to any one who wants to see it.
1979- The Deer Hunter
I liked this movie. I feel weird saying that since it's about a couple of friends that go to the Vietnam War. Robert De Niro is in this movie and I'm not a big fan of his but I actually liked him in this movie. I feel like in most of his movies he plays this tough, I don't take crap from no body type of guy and I just don't like that. In this movie he isn't such a tough guy. He cares for his friends and he tries his best in his dealings with people.
Christopher Walken is also in this movie. He plays one of Robert's friends and is a nice guy who ends up getting amnesia and stays in Vietnam. Even though he is nice I still don't like him. He creeps me out and I think he will always creep me out. I don't know if it's the way he looks or his voice or maybe it's the characters he has played but like I said he creeps me out.
I wish this movie didn't have so many F bombs in it but that's what happens when you watch a rated R movie. I really don't get why they have to use it. It doesn't make the situation any better when you use it and it also just sounds stupid when you say it.
There is a scene where Robert De Niro's character and his friends get captured while in Vietnam and their captures force them to play Russian Roulette for their amusement. I know that it is a film but who would enjoy watching people play that game. Who in their right mind even thought up that game. Yes I want to play a game that consists of me holding a gun to the side of my head and pull the trigger to see if I live or die. It's a stupid, awful game.
I probably won't watch this movie again cause it is such an emotional movie. I don't even know if I would recommend it. It is a very well done movie and it was very interesting to watch but would you want to watch a movie about the Vietnam War and see the affects it had on those who went. I know that the actors didn't really go to the war and it's just a movie but it's hard to think that people really were captured and who knows what they were forced to to.
Coming Attractions: 1978 and 1977 Best Pictures
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