If you don't know what this movie is about here is a quick summary. It is about a Danish Baroness who moves to 20th century Kenya to start a coffee plantation. She marries her husband for convenience but find true love in a free spirited big-game hunter. The movie is loosely based on the autobiographical book of the same name written by Isak Dinesen. That is the pen name for Karen Blixen who Meryl Streep plays.
I liked this movie. I would watch this movie again and I would recommend this movie to anyone who would want to watch it. Meryl Streep does a wonderful job in this movie. I just love how she gets so into character that you truly believe she is that person. Meryl played a woman from Denmark which means she had a Danish accent and I thought she did great with the accent. There are only a few American actors I believe who can pull off another accent and make it believable. Meryl is one of those actors. There are some other American actors who do another accent and you just can't believe them and for me I just can't take them serious in their role. For example I watch a movie a while back where Anne Hathaway played a woman with a British accent and I just laughed cause it was just so bad.
There were some scenes that I felt were a tad boring and and could have been shorter. There is one scene where Robert Redford and Meryl Streep's characters were flying around looking at the land and to me it seemed to have gone on for 10 minutes. It probably wasn't that long but to me it seemed to have gone on and on and on.
I really liked seeing some of the animals that live in Africa. I like a lot of those animals but for some reason I really like hippos. I think hippos are cute, vicious, killing machines. I was one of those people who didn't think hippos could be so mean cause just look at them. They are huge animals on itty bitty legs. I was watching some show a long time ago about hippos and it talked how mean they can be. Any way there is a scene in the movie where the hippo is in the background in the water and it wiggles its ears. It was so cute. I was reading about the scene and apparently Meryl was kind of nervous because the hippo was so close to them. The scene is Robert Redford washing Meryl Streep's hair because her hair was so tangled and dirty.
One thing I didn't like about the movie was when the animals would die. I know that they don't really die but I just don't like it. I am a huge animal lover just like my grandma and dad and it's just sad to see an animal die.
1985- Amadeus
First off this movie won in the year that I was born. I don't know how I feel about that. I didn't hate the movie but I also didn't like it. It was so so to me.
The movie is about the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart that is told by flashbacks by Antonio Salieri who is confined in an insane asylum. Mozart had the most annoying laugh in this movie. It annoyed me so much that I would have been happier to sit in a room with people scratching their nails on a chalkboard. I don't know if Mozart really laughed like that but if he did I feel so bad for the people who were around him. Also in the movie Mozart seemed like a cocky jerk. He seemed like he was the only great musician. I didn't like that.
There was a male actor who to me looked like one of the ladies from the cooking show Two Fat Ladies. For my mom and sister I think he looked like the lady that doesn't wear glasses on that show.
Some people really like this movie but I am not one of those people. I went to Blockbuster on Friday to see if they had but they didn't but I was able to watch it on line. Anyway I was talking to Blockbuster worker about the movie and he told me how much he liked it and that everyone should own it. He also told me how surprised he was that I had never seen it. After watching it I am not going to be wasting my money to buy that movie. I don't think I will be watching this movie again. I have a hard time of saying if I would recommend this movie or not. If you want to go watch it I am not going to tell you that you shouldn't. I'll let you decide whether it was worth it to watch after you see it. The movie is about 2 hours and 40 minutes but to me it seemed so much longer.
Coming Attractions: 1984 and 1983 winners
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