1990- Driving Miss Daisy
When I was going to BYU-Idaho I took a film class and in that class every Wednesday night everyone in the class had to meet in a room and watch a movie. Well Driving Miss Daisy was one of those movies. That class was probably one of my favorite classes after all my culinary arts classes. Any way I liked this movie but it was kind of slow. I would watch the movie again only if there was nothing else better to watch. It wasn't an awful movie but like I said I think it is a slow pace movie. It's so sweet to watch the friendship develop between Miss Daisy and her chauffeur Hoke Colburn through out the movie. Morgan Freeman does a great job but I think he does a great job in any of his movies. I just love how sweet his character is to Miss Daisy and that he is so patient with her. I would recommend this movie to watch. Maybe you will think it goes faster than I do.
1989- Rain Man
I liked this movie even if Tom Cruise is in it. He is another actor I don't care for. He was fine before he met Katie Holmes and then after the whole jumping up and down on Oprah's couch and the Scientology religion I think he is a little bit crazy now. I believe Dustin Hoffman did an EXCELLENT job playing Raymond (Rain Man) and the Academy agreed cause Dustin got the Best Actor award for this role.
If any one knows me especially my family I enjoy looking up and reading the trivia and other fun facts about movies. One interesting fact about this movie is that Dustin spent a lot of time with savant Kim Peek who was the inspiration of the character Raymond. I went on YouTube and watched some clips of Kim and it was very interesting to watch. Another interesting fact is that this was one of Princess Diana's favorite movies.
There is a scene in the movie where Tom's character lets Raymond drive the car because Raymond tells him that he is an excellent driver and there is a story that happened to me that involves me saying that same sentence. I don't know if any one in my family remembers it but I do. Anyway I was driving my mom's van and my older brother was in the car with me along with some other family members but I can't remember who. So I was driving and my brother was making fun of me for my driving I think and I told him that I was an excellent driver. Well that got him going and for a very long time he would call me Rain Man. You just got to love older brothers. He hasn't called me that for a long time and I plan on not reminding him about it. Even though Tom Cruise bugs me I would still recommend this movie to any one who wants to watch it.
Coming Attractions: 1988 and 1987 winners
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