The second one is that today is Superbowl and even though I don't like either team I hope that the New York Giants win. I really don't like the Patriots quarterback who is Tom Brady. I don't think he is that good looking and I also don't see why he is all that. So he can throw a football around who cares. I too can throw a football around but you don't see anybody making a huge fuss about that :) Also he left his pregnant girlfriend for the woman who he is now married too. I don't like cheaters and people who just leave their pregnant girlfriends for something better. So that is why I don't like Tom Brady. In fact it's more like I despise the guy.
So enough of that. Onto the better stuff :)
I have decided that instead of starting with the very first Best Picture winner of 1929, that I will start with the winner in 2011 and go backwards.
2011- The Kings Speech
I never got to see this movie but I plan to. Once I watch it I will let you all know what I thought about it. I heard a lot of positive things about this movie. I'm excited to watch it and I am glad that it won the Oscar. I looked at who the other nominees were and those movies didn't have a chance at all to win.
2010- The Hurt Locker
I didn't see this movie and I am still up in the air if I want to watch it. I don't normally watch war movies even though I have seen Saving Private Ryan. If I watch it or not I will let you know. To be honest I was quite upset that this movie won. There were two nominees that I would have liked to seen win. Those movies were Avatar or The Blind Side. I for sure thought Avatar would win because lets face it that movie was cool with all the special effects and plus the lead guy was pretty good looking :) Yes I know they don't decide what movie wins but the good looks of the actors but you have to admit he was good looking :) I also thought that if Avatar didn't win that The Blind Side should. I really liked that movie. I thought it was a very touching that this family would bring in this kid that they didn't know into their home and then eventually adopt. I also thought how cool that he would later become a NFL player. I don't watch football or even think about the backgrounds of the players but after watching this movie I started thinking about how many NFL players had a similar kind of background as Michael Oher.
Oh if you didn't know this already the Giants WON the Superbowl!!!!!! I'm very happy that Tom Brady lost.
Coming attractions: 2009 and 2008 winners.
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