I thought this was a pretty good movie. Even though it was good I probably won't watch it again. Like I said it was pretty good but it's just not a movie I would want to watch again. I remember crying at the end of the movie when Clint Eastwood's character had to do a very hard thing for Hillary Swanks character. If you haven't seen the movie I don't want to spoil the end by telling what he has to do. I believe that I watched this movie with my dad. I don't remember if my mom watched it with us. Mom if you did watch it with us I'm sorry that I don't remember.
2004- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
I really liked this movie and I knew this movie would win Best Picture. I remember watching this movie with my family minus Michael since he was on his mission. I think my family went to the theaters for all three of these films. My brothers and dad all the liked the books and wanted to go see the movies. Surprisingly I quite enjoyed the books and also the movies. I have to admit I didn't really like the second movie. I also have to admit one of the reasons I wanted to read the books was because my brothers and dad had read them. I believe my mom has read the Hobbit but I don't remember if she has read the other three books.
During the 76th Academy Awards when this movie won I made a bet with my dad that this movie would win. He didn't believe me and to be honest I don't even remember what the bet was. I can't remember what movie he thought would win but I remember him thinking this movie would lose. I believe every time the categories that the movie was nominated in I would tell my parents that it would win that category and sure enough it would win. I believe I had a small part in having this movie win :) It did tie the record of most wins with Titanic and Ben-Hur. These two movies are also Best Picture winners.
As you probably have noticed in my posts I have watched a lot of these movies with my parents. There are a lot of Best Picture winners that I have watched with my dad. We both enjoy watching movies and it's just fun watching them with him. I do enjoy watching movies with my mom, don't get me wrong, but the movies I watched with my dad are ones that my mom would not want to watch.
Coming Attractions: 2003 and 2002 Best Picture winners
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