2003- Chicago
For me this movie was so so. I went with a friend of mine to see this movie in the theaters. We liked some of the songs and that was pretty much the only thing we liked about the movie. I just felt like it was a little too sexual at some parts and that if you can get the best lawyer you can get away with murder, which is what exactly right. I also didn't like it cause Richard Gere and Renee Zellweger are in the movie. I have never liked Richard Gere which is funny cause my mom and sister both like him. I pretty much can't stand Renee Zellweger. I don't like that her eyes are so squinty and you can't see them. I also don't think she is that great of an actress. The one thing I liked about this movie was Queen Latifa. I think she is an awesome actress and she is just funny.
2002- A Beautiful Mind
I have not seen this movie but don't worry it is on my list to watch. Once I watch it I will let you guys know what I think of it. To be honest I don't know much about this movie. If you know what it is about feel free to leave me a comment about what it is about. I have to admit I had a crush on the young Russell Crowe. Russell Crowe now a days is not as good looking as he was in Gladiator and in this movie poster. He isn't awful looking now but he isn't as cute. Oh well. That's what happens when you get older.
2001- Gladiator
I liked this movie. Will I watch it again probably not but it was done very well. I remember a friend of mine was telling a group of our friends about how she watched this film and that there was so much blood and gore in it and that she watched the whole movie with her hands over her eyes. After she told the group about the movie I decided to watch it just to see if it really was as bad as my friend said it was. That's a good reason to go see a movie but apparently to me it was a good reason. I didn't think it was that gory or all that bloody and I didn't watch it with my hands over my eyes. So I don't know what that says about me :) There is a scene where he pretty much cuts the head off of some guy and it wasn't that bloody and it didn't bother me. Again I don't know what that says about me. Anyway, during the movie I kept thinking how good looking the lead actor was. At this time I didn't know that the character was played by Russell Crowe. There is a scene where he is in the arena with a tiger and the whole time I was praying that he wouldn't kill the tiger. I can't remember if he kills the tiger or not. I do remember thinking how cool it would be to have a pet tiger and to release it on all the people that have wronged me and let's just be honest there are not a lot of people who have wronged me. I have asked my parents for a pet tiger but they keep telling me no and I don't know why. It's just a kitty cat. No big deal right?
Coming Attractions: 2000 and 1999 Best picture winners.
Thanks for reminding me that as people get older, they get less cute! :)