I absolutely LOVE The Sound of Music. It is one of my favorite musicals. I love the songs but most of all I love Julie Andrews. How could you not love her? When I was younger I had a little crush on Christopher Plummer who played Captain Von Trapp. There was just something about him that would make me have butterflies when he would appear on screen. Let's be honest I still get butterflies in my stomach when I watch the film :)
One of the things I like to do is look up information/trivia about movies that I watch. Ask anyone in my family and they will all agree that I love doing this and that I like sharing what I have found. So on that note I have some trivia about this film that I would like to share with you. First off Julie Andrews would sing "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" to the children between takes. The kids thought she just made up the word for them but the truth is Julie Andrews had finished making Mary Poppins but it hadn't been released yet so the kids had no idea it was from another film. For the longest time I had no idea that Julie Andrews also played Mary Poppins. When I was younger I think my mom told me that the actress who played Maria was the same actress who played Mary Poppins. I didn't believe her so I had to watch both films a couple of times before I believed her. Being older I can totally tell that Julie Andrews played both of them but when I was younger she looked so different when she played Mary Poppins and Maria. Another bit of trivia is that Julie Andrews nearly turned down the role of Maria because she feared it was too similar to Mary Poppins. I am certainly glad that she didn't turn down the role because it would not have been the same film if she was not a part of it. One last bit of trivia is that the day after the Von Trapp family left Austria Adolf Hitler ordered the borders of Austria to be shut.
If you have not seen The Sound of Music (where have you been if you have never seen this film) I would say get up, go get it and watch it. It's FANTASTIC!! If you have seen it but not in a very long time I would say get up and watch it. It's FANTASTIC!!. I just might watch it again this weekend :)
1965- My Fair Lady
I LOVE this musical! I just love musicals in general :) One of my favorite memories is laying on my parents' bed and watching this with my dad. I have a lot of memories of watching movies in their room with my dad. 50% of the time we watch the movie. The other 50% is us talking about anything and everything that had nothing to do with the movie. It's always fun watching movies with my dad :)
I have 2 favorite scenes from this movie and the first one is when Professor Henry Higgins, Colonel Hugh Pickering and Eliza Doolittle are working on having Eliza say the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain and then she can say it and they all sing and dance to it. It's just silly and a lot of fun. The other scene I really like is when Henry Higgins takes her to do the horse races. She comes in all fancy like and can speak so nicely and then she says "Come on, Dover! Come on, Dover! Move your bloomin' arse!" I am actually laughing about that as I type this. It's a fun musical and everyone should go watch it. You should just spend the weekend watching this film, The Sound of Music, Oklahoma, West Side Story and any other musical you can think of. They are all wonderful films.
1964- Tom Jones
I did not like this film. I wouldn't go as far as saying I hated it cause I didn't hate it, I just didn't like it. There are plenty of films on this blog that I absolutely hated and there are plenty of films on the blog that I just didn't like if that makes sense. Pretty much the film is about a guy named Tom Jones who pretty much chases anyone in a skirt and sleeps with a lot of ladies but is a kind man who will defend anything and anyone that he believes in. He falls in love with a girl that another man is in love with and that man makes things very hard on Tom. Things happen and will Tom get the girl? To be completely honest it's been a while since I watched this film that I had to look at IMDB for a summary of it and what I wrote is not even that good of a summary. If you are interested in watching it from reading my spectacular summary of the film go ahead and watch it. If you have no interest or are completely confused by it, you are not the only one ;)
One interesting factoid about this is that the singer Thomas John Woodward aka Tom Jones took his stage name from the title character of this film.
Upcoming attractions: 1963, 1962 and 1961 winners
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