I was absolutely bored with movie. I was so bored I ended up calling my mom to talk to her about how boring it is. While I was talking to her about it my dad came in and he asked what we were talking about. My mom told him that I was watching Oliver! and that I was bored. He then said "I don't know why it won". I am glad someone agrees with me. I have no idea why it won. If any one knows what it is about that movie that made it win please tell me because I am still trying to figure it out. This is one movie I will not be watching again.
1968- In the Heat of the Night
I really liked this this movie. It was really interesting and there were some funny parts. The movie is about an African-American police detective from Philadelphia, who becomes involved in a murder investigation in a racist town in Mississippi. I would recommend this movie to anyone.
My mom was telling me a little about this movie and one of the actors in it named Rod Steiger. She told me that he might look familiar to me. I looked him up on IMDB and he didn't look familiar so I decided to look through the movies that he had done. As I was looking through it, I noticed that he was in my all time favorite musical, Oklahoma! He played the horrible Jud Fry. Once I learned that whenever Rod Steiger would speak I could hear Jud in his voice. He is much older in this movie than he was in Oklahoma and he also was creepy in this movie. He was a tad bit creepy in Oklahoma.
There is a scene in the movie where Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger's characters are arguing about who the killer was cause the chief (Rod) was sure they got the right person but Sidney's character Virgil is saying that they have the wrong person. The chief then says that Virgil is so sure of himself about who killed the person and that Virgil is a funny name for someone who came from Philadelphia and says what do they call you up there? Virgil then says "They call me MISTER Tibbs." I laughed when I heard that quote because there is a scene in The Lion King where Pumbaa says "They call me MISTER Pig" I just think it is funny that they used it after changing it to Pig from Tibbs.
1967- A Man for All Seasons
I have never heard of this movie and even though it dragged on at some spots I still like it. The movie is about Thomas More who stood put to King Henry VIII when he (the King) rejected the Roman Catholic Church so that he could obtain a divorce from Catherine of Aragon so that he could marry Anne Boleyn.
Towards the end of the movie I was ready for it to be done because it was just dragging. At the end of the film the narrator said " Thomas More's head was stuck on Traitor's Gate for a month, then his daughter, Margaret, removed it and kept it till her death." If for some odd reason my dad got beheaded I would not be keeping his head with me until I died. If you are reading this Dad I love you lots and lots but not enough to keep your head with me. I would bury your head but keeping your head is not going to happen.
Coming attractions: 1966 and 1965 Best Picture winners
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