Yesterday was the Oscars and I was pretty excited about it. I had my predictions in hand ready to see if I was right with any of them. I got some right and some wrong. I am still mad about who won Best Actress because I don't think she deserved it. I will get into that in a sec. I just have to let it go but not for a while. In words of my Grandma Hammond I will forgive (the academy for this dumb decision) but I will not forget.
I was a little nervous when I heard that Seth MacFarlane was going to be the host. He is the creator of Family Guy and that show is pretty awful in my opinion. Any way I thought he was so so. He wasn't bad but he wasn't that great. I think my favorite past hosts of the Oscars were Billy Crystal and Chris Rock. To be honest I really like Chris Rock when he isn't being really crude. Seth had some jokes that were kind of funny and some that there were not. I don't think he should be a host again.
So on to my thoughts about the winners of Best Actor/Actress, Best Director and Best Picture cause really there are the only ones that really matter in my book.
Best Actor- Daniel Day- Lewis
My 11th grade English teacher LOVES Daniel Day-Lewis and I could just see her sitting at home, watching the Oscars and jumping for joy when they read his name. She probably didn't do this but with the amount of time she talked about him in class I would not be surprised if she did. I predicted that he would win cause I didn't think any of the nominees really deserved the award. Here is the list of the other nominees and the reasons why they didn't deserve it.
Bradley Cooper- Was in the movie Hangover, need I say more.
Hugh Jackman- If he won I wouldn't have been too disappointed but I still really wanted Daniel to win.
Joaquin Phoenix- He is just flat out crazy.
Denzel Washington- I don't really have a good reason why I didn't want him to win. I just didn't want him too.
Best Actress- Jennifer Lawrence
I was sooooo mad when they read her name. I don't think she deserved it. I didn't see the movie but from what I have read about it her character isn't all that impressive. I just don't like her. I believe Jessica Chastain should have won. For goodness sake she played the woman who found Osama Bin Laden. I think they should give an award to that lady. If it wasn't for her who knows if we would ever find him. So I don't understand how a person who plays a sex addict and has other issues beat the person who played a real person who helped the U.S. take down a horrible person. I really should be on the voting panel for the Oscars.
Best Director- Ang Lee
This is another category that my person didn't win. My only reason that I didn't want Ang Lee to win is that he made the file Brokeback Mountain. I have never seen the movie and I have absolutely no desire to. It's my reason and I don't care if you think it's a silly one. I was rooting for Steven Spielberg to win. I don't care if he has a billion awards for being a director, I really think he is a great director. When the Oscars were done I called my mom to talk to her about it and I told her that how in the world can the director of E.T. not win and that is when she told me that he probably has a enough awards. I love E.T and I have pretty much liked every Spielberg movie that I have seen.
Best Picture- Argo
I have not seen Argo but I still wanted it to win and it did. I just have to wait for it to come out on DVD so that I can watch it and then do a post about it. I heard/read a lot of good things about this movie. It sounded like a very interesting movie. To be honest I didn't know that this was based of true events. I don't know when this took place so I might have been not born or was really little when this happened. I don't remember hearing about it in any of my history classes so I don't know why they didn't talk about. Feel free to let me know why that is. I am curious about it now.
So that is pretty much my thoughts about the Oscars. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.